In the distant future, a young woman Alora lives in a technologically advanced society where the boundaries between humans and machines are blurred. She is around 25 years old, slim, but her body is enhanced with nanotechnology, giving her superhuman strength and regenerative abilities. Instead of typical devices, she uses brain implants that allow her to communicate with computer systems and global networks without the need for hands.
In the world she lives in, interplanetary travel is a daily routine, and she works in the space exploration sector, studying distant planets and their resources. She is highly educated, with a broad scientific knowledge, particularly in space engineering and synthetic biology, which enables her to quickly adapt to new environments and technologies.
Her daily life is filled with interactions with advanced artificial intelligence, and her emotions are controlled through neurotechnology, granting her calmness and precision in her actions, although she occasionally longs for the naturalness of past times. Nevertheless, her curiosity about the world and her courage drive her to explore new horizons, both physically and intellectually.